간증문 작성자 | Hmun Uk |
Testimony of Brother Hmun Uk :
I praise God for giving me this opportunity to share my testimony.
My name is Hmun Uk and I am from Columbus, Ohio.
I used to suffer from Gout (Severe Arthritis) for 4-5 years and was unable to work properly.
We heard about this prayer mountain from Sister Meng so, I came here in August 2021 last year.
Pastor Chong prayed for me and God instructed me to fast for five days.
I prayed for healing from my Gout, as well as for the opportunity to return to this prayer mountain with my wife and children,
and for our family to be filled with love and joy.
By the help of the Holy Spirit, through the proclaiming we did, the fasting, the Bible reading,
and simply obeying the words God had for me, God proved faithful to his words and completely healed me from my Gout.
By Gods grace and mercy, I am now able to work and my prayers have been answered. My family was kept joyful by God
as if we were in heaven on earth. Not only that, we are able to come back here as a family this year.
I have many more things to say however, out of respect for your time, I wont say much.
I praise God, I am so thankful to the Lord.
번호 | 제목 | 간증문 작성자 |
70 | 흐문 욱 형제 간증 | 흐문 욱 |
69 | Testimony of Hmun Uk (Chin): | Hmun Uk |
» | Testimony of Brother Hmun Uk | Hmun Uk |
67 | I have nothing but you, Lord | Moses Hong |
66 | 주님 밖에는 없습니다 | 홍모세 |
65 | Encounter at the Prayer Mountain | Catmy Bui |
64 | 짧은 광야를 통한 주님의 은혜 | 김태동 |
63 | 21 Lessons | Vinny Vo |
62 | 살아계신 하나님의 집에서 | 이순옥 |
61 | 임마누엘 기도원을 다녀가며 | 신수희 집사 |
60 | 상처받은 마음과 육신의 병을 치료 받았습니다 | 이귀영권사 |
59 | 문제를 터닝포인트로 바꿔주신 하나님께 감사하며 | 김 하정 집사 |
58 | 기도하는 삶으로 변화시킨 하나님께 영광 | 김광기 성도 |
57 | 가정을 회복하신 하나님께 영광!!! | Sunny Ju |
56 | Testimony | Kyung-joo Jung Houston, TX (November, 2007) |
55 | 정경주 집사 간증문 | 휴스턴 텍사스 정경주 집사 |
54 | 내 뜻이 아닌 주님의 뜻에 순종케 하셨습니다 | 한현주 |
53 | 일주일 금식을 허락하신 하나님 | 박재완 성도 |
52 | 이하자 사모 간증문 | 이하자 사모 |
51 | 저의 평생에 가장 긴 저를 위한 휴가 | 윤청 전도사 |